Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Pussy Willow in Pencil

Perhaps this little twig will root...

I've been long weighing my ability to keep up with band as my art interests gain traction. This week I decided to leave. Important decisions are never easy and don't always leave one with an immediate sense of relief. But, I do know it's the right time. My hat is off to the wonderful and kick ass Subterranean Cafe Band, wishing you all the best.


  1. Art is art; music or drawing or photography. How realistic and brave of you to choose your path. But knowing how way leads on to way, maybe you'll return to your music at another crossroad. Good luck! - Joyce

  2. Change/making choices is hard- even when you somehow just know it is "time". I suspect music will still be a big part of your life but just in a different way- a way you might not even realize at this very minute.
    Love the this new drawing.

  3. Looks like the litle twig has already put down roots, in your life if not yet in water.

  4. Thank you, Joyce, and I suspect that you are right. I have weaved in and out of music over the past forty years.

  5. Thanks, Gretchen. Musical possibilities do now exist outside of band. When life opens up more time or priorities shift, who knows what may blossom...

  6. Well said there, Threadspider. Thanks.
