Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pussy Willow Up Close

I couldn't resist a close up. It's so beautiful, isn't it?

I didn't know that this species is dioecious. I believe this is the male. This gets me to thinking that I'd like to pay more attention to each species' reproductive methods. Hmm...that gets me thinking I have a good excuse to invest more into my library...


  1. First I had to look up dioecious-and now I agree- who knew that pussy willows were dioecious; not me! Your photos these past few posts have been especially beautiful. In the meadowsweet photo, the sparkly depth of field ( I believe the correct term is bokeh? Don't ask me to pronounce it!) is gorgeous and I love the crispness of the second bluecurl shot- I have yet to make the leap into the world of dslrs, but always take my trusty point and shoot with me on my daily dog walks around our lake and then fill the pages of my journals with snaps and notes. I noticed that in the photo of the 'reflecting pool' (another stunning shot) it looks like you have open water? Our lake is still frozen; ice out for us usually happens around April 15th and our loons arrive the exact same day-it boggles my mind how they know when it's time! ~ gretchen

  2. I think the lake cleared within the past two weeks. My backyard swamp has even thawed too. Down this way it looks like we're getting into a spell of above freezing overnight temps. It's finally coming!

    I call it bokah, that is with my Bahstun accent, that is when I use the term. I'm from the old days when we simply called it shallow depth of field. ;-)

    Thanks on the photos. I'm having an awfully good time shooting. I wish I had more time for my blogs--they are quite consuming in a very fun way.
