I clipped a lily leaf just to get the feel as I might try, timing permitting, to paint a yellow Day Lily. The fine parallel veining was beyond my brush skills so I lined with a Gillott 290 nib and straightedge, and then applied various washes.

Later this evening, I spent some time with various washes.

aaaaargh washes. Trying to keep the edge constantly wet all the way round, especially when filling a fiddly shape, is difficult for me. I try to damp the paper first if I can. It doesn't work at all well on vellum (different kind of absorbency). Hence gouache (block the light completely) or miniature technique (grade using minute brushstrokes). Having said that I do use washes in small areas and have huge respect for watercolour painters who can swoosh their washes on with panache and chutzpah and work with any resulting irregularities as part of the design.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I thought your technique for handling the lining on the lily stem is inspired. It looks just right.
ReplyDeleteAlthough one can read the proper advice in many books and intructionals, for me it is only by experience that I am slowly learning that the work must be completely dry before applying the next wash. In my impatience, I try to jump in too soon and all my previous work just goes woosh away!
ReplyDelete"Slow down. You'll get there faster." comes to mind.
Thanks. I did kinda like the lining and I'll explore it more with perhaps a thicker mix and various nib choices. Even thought of having some French Curves on hand to aid with non-linear traces. One thing I found was to use a ruler with a cork underside that lifted the edge just a bit, preventing paint from drawing under and messing about.