Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I'm trying out one of my new blues, Phthalo Blue PB15 Primary Blue. It needs a wetting agent so a bit of isopropyl alcohol does the trick. Mixed with a little white and diluted down with water, it brings me close to the color I need for those spots on the far left. Also trying the Dioxizine Violet for the shoulder.

I'm not too sure where this bird is going. I feel like my color is out of control so I've done some scraping. I may let it rest for a bit while I turn to something else. It does look okay from a distance; it's when I get up close that I wonder when leaving the house that I might be attacked by a real jay for misrepresentation. :-)


  1. Those birds will be flattered, John. Looks great!

  2. I third the bird! (that doesn't sound quite right) but I do agree with mary and Threadspider!

  3. Hey thanks, Mary! I'm going back in tonight for another shot at it. But not to take chances, I will keep the feeders full. ;-)

  4. Thanks, Judith, for your support here, as well as over on your pencils and paint. :-)

  5. Ha, ha! Gretchen, I like it! :-)
