I find the issue of invasiveness interesting. Upon digging, I came across some information here. See the "Annotated Species Lists" and "Publications" for details. And, see this for the nitty-gritty on invasiveness in Massachusetts. Here's some of my weekend's reading!
Also, be sure to check out Gretchen's comments from yesterday on this species.

From Wikipedia:
"In eastern North America, Multiflora Rose is now generally considered an invasive species, though it was originally introduced from Asia as a soil conservation measure, as a natural hedge to border grazing land, and to attract wildlife. It is readily distinguished from American native roses by its large inflorescences, which bear multiple flowers and hips, often more than a dozen, while the American species bear only one or a few on a branch.
"Some places classify Multiflora rose as a "noxious weed". In grazing areas, this rose is generally considered to be a serious pest, though it is considered excellent fodder for goats."

From The Magazine of Horticulture, Botany, and All Useful Discoveries and Improvements in Rural Life:
"The Tennessee or Prairie Rose. In our March number, (p. 98,) we gave an article by Mr. Pierce, on the Prairie rose. It has since been copied into the western papers, and in the Ohio Ktatesm-an with some preparatory remarks, which may be interesting to lovers of this beautiful class.
"The writer states that our correspondent Mr. Pierce, was mistaken in saying that this rose has produced no double variety. " Twenty-two years since, Mrs. Montjoy found a double multiflora rose growing wild, on an island in the Licking River, Ky., a few miles south of Cincinnati. It had all the peculiarities of the single variety, except that the petals were as numerous, and were formed similar to the Chinese multiflora, the rose being about three times as large. This rose was brought by Mr. Buchanan to this city fifteen years ago. He obtained the cuttings from the garden of Gen. Taylor, of Newport, Ky. Mr. B. gave some to Mr. Schnetz, who raised many of them, since which it has been widely disseminated. It is known here by the name of the ' Montjoy Rose,' or ' double native multiflora,' and it deserves to be a great favorite.
"Another variety' of our wild multiflora rose was found in the Scioto Valley, near Chillicothe, by Mrs. Gov. Worthington ; this was semi-double.
"Another beautiful variety was found near Urbana, O., by Mr. John H. James. This was single, but with spotted petals."
"Rosa multiflora." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 30 Sep 2009, 08:17 UTC. 30 Sep 2009 <http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Rosa_multiflora&oldid=317052296>.
Hovey, C. M. ed. The Magazine of Horticulture, Botany, and All Useful Discoveries and Improvements in Rural Life. Vol. X. Boston, 1844. 174. Web. Google Book Search. 1 Oct 2009.
Too funny... I guess I am just ahead of my time, re: yesterday's comment!
ReplyDeleteThere is an old farm up the road from me, and its fields are covered with the multiflora rose- this is the same farm I may have previously mentioned that had white cows, once upon a time. To see these dainty vanilla cows roaming those rocky hard scrabbled fields when the roses were all in bloom was such a heavenly sight- like something from the pages of a fairly tale! And oh the SCENT!! (of the roses, not the cows). Not knowing anything about these roses, I actually researched them, hoping to buy some for myself- this is how I learned of their "noxious weed" status.
Sadly the cows are gone now, and the farm is up for sale. Wish I could buy it- it has never been touched since the turn of the 20th century- it has no modern plumbing (the hand pump is still in the kitchen)- or electricity and even the old Victorian wall papers are still intact. It's a perfect time capsule and there are very few of these left anywhere in New England anymore!
I love this old place, and hope whoever buys it will try to understand its spirit.
Now if you could guess tomorrow's post, that would be quite a feat. Even I do not yet know what it will be!
ReplyDeleteThe farm sounds so lovely.
The "Montjoy Multiflora" was a variety of the native Rosa setigera, not the introduced Japanese R. multiflora.