Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Water Lily 5

A few hours more this evening, glazing the deep blue with prussian blue and viridian layers. More scumbling for the pads and then selective washes with yellow ochre. Dropped in the rest of the lily petals and began modeling with delicate layers of verona green earth.


  1. nice going john. i'm seeing the subtle differences. how much more do you think you have to go? dorothy p.s. can you suggest your favorite bird photograhy book? some of your bird photos are just great. do you have a special lens? enjoy this great weather.

  2. The central petals are really starting to sing now and those subtle glazes are moulding the leaves beautifully.Great stuff John.

  3. Thanks, Dorothy. I think I could have some fun with the flower but the pads need attention. I think I need to focus on just one and try to get it right and then apply to the rest. I might give it a rest too.

    Sorry, but I have no bird photography books. For lenses, I have a 100mm that is quite sharp and a 100-400mm for closer work that doesn't give as much detail. I do have a fantastic book on photography that all about composition and such--no technical stuff. "The Photograph" by Harald Mante.

  4. Thanks Judith. Ya, I am having fun with the flower. Those pads are another story! Tonight I think I will mix a bit of alizarin with the green earth for a more neutral shading.
