Sunday, November 20, 2011

I feel like a melon

This melon is slow going. Once it's all in place I plan to glaze in the form. I'm wondering what might have best for underpainting, as well as if I should have varied the webbing color to match form. Before or after with the form building, that is the question. Another thing is I can't tell if Melendez used impasto here. I will be looking closely at this painting when I visit the MFA.


Well, I just couldn't leave it partly complete. I'd have to wait another day before glazing.

1:30 am


  1. Whoa nellie- talk about intricate detailing! I'll bet that you found the process of painting the webbing akin to a period of meditation; I often find that creating a repetitive pattern, liker cross-hatching, stippling etc., allows the brain to trust the hand, allowing oneself to get to that point where you are so totally absorbed in the action that hours fly by like minutes; and when you are done, it is like being awakened from sleep. You actually need a bit of "re-entry" time.
    That being said, I think you made the right choice to now start adding further shape and form with glazing. I think if you had had to stop painting the webbing every few minutes to change/mix colors and check for tonal values and contrasts, the fluidity with which you have so beautifully rendered the webbing would have been compromised.
    excited to see the next phase!
    ~ gretchen

  2. Ya, my second round passed quickly and easily as I began to trust my brushstrokes--when to reload, how to hold, how far down to push. I notice that my webbing is not entirely opaque so that the initial shading shows through. I may have built form with more detail now knowing this. (The color is not just in the webbing paint but the paint below it.)

    I've been experimenting with glazes. Just a bit of additional oil won't affect drying time but too much oil certainly does. I'm really trying to glaze more as a light dry brush technique. Dries quickly without additional components. I will be exploring glazing mixtures and how they might help. It's all so new for me.
