The pokeweed fruit is mature and making meals although I've yet to see the diners.
Here is a witness to the lake's high water mark, something like a foot over today's level.
Don't they always seem to come out of nowhere?
The swamp maples along the shoreline are beginning to turn.
I'd been thinking about picking up a digital recorder with headset and Dragon software for notetaking during my wanderings. Rather than becoming more burdened with the heavy yoke of technology (although I will have to work on entry dating), I am now the happy owner of a Moleskine 5x8 sketchbook and a couple of pencils. It not only works great for written and sketched notes but it's a handy place to safely tuck leaf samples during my wanderings. And get this, no batteries!
Tomorrow returns to single species posting with Bird's Nest Weed.
MOLESKINES! Ah, yet another obsession of mine! (and about a billion others, worldwide), Do you know there are entire websites devoted to the adoration of the moleskine? Check out:
and for some inspiring moleskine nature journals:
and flickr has some wonderful examples, too- just search "moleskine"
I almost always have one with me although I never liked the way the 'sketchbooks' took pure, transparent watercolor-pen (pigma micron .005) gouache and colored pencil work best for me on those pages. But a couple of years ago they came out with a watercolor notebook that has heavenly paper- and I can splash away until my heart's content- I just wish it wasn't bound in landscape format. They also make an expanding pocket file to match the sketchbook you just bought that is great for additional stashing of leaves etc..
As far as a digital voice recorder, I use my cell phone's 'voice memo' in a pinch- works like a charm!
Thanks for the links! I think I'll be trying out the notebooks next. Moleskineus.com seems to have the full complement with reasonable prices. That accordian file looks useful.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I work with computers all day and have for years, I still can't voice record on my phone. I did manage to get my cat's photo in there! :-) The phone manual is a riot--I think the index was randomly generated.
Woohoo!!! I can record my voice! Google comes through again.